Friday, September 7, 2012

Damn produce is expensive.

So instead of going to the gym yesterday, I decided it would be a much more effective use of my time to go through my cupboards and fridge and get rid of all the crap I shouldn't eat, and then, go to the store and fill it will good things. This made me realize, once again, that it is in fact sometimes cheaper to eat poorly out than to eat good in.

I spent over $100 on food. FOR ME. I bought lots of veggies (spinach, romaine, avocados, onions, kale, peppers, mushrooms), fruit, whole grain delights, lean protein, greek yogurt, and stocked up on some spices, but nothing too terribly extravagant. I then realized why America is obese - far easier to get the buy 2 get 2 free chips than spend $5 on peppers. And I live in the cradle of all things produce: there is never a time when  produce is out of season, and its still costing me an ovary to get food.

That being said, I am on the road. New rule is that I will eat clean during the week and give myself a break on the weekends, since I will be sailing on Saturdays and usually come home to pass out anyway, and Sundays are typically work/prep for the week days, so I don't have the urge to stress eat like I do after work. And, having been through this before, you realize that by eating clean 5 of 7 days, if you eat like crap on the weekends, your body will let you know, and that's the best deterrent.

Tonight's menu looks like a nice low fat, high protein tuna salad recipe I found with a side of hummus and peppers, and maybe a little Skinny Cow treat for dessert. I forgot how much I like the structure of logging and tracking my food through WW, and that by planning good food, I look forward to eating it all that much more.

This weekend's tasks: sail, sleep, go for a few long walks, eat well, prepare some food for the week ahead, and mentally prepare for my intro session to Crossfit Monday at 6pm. I am sure that there will be some sort of story after THAT experience.

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