Friday, October 5, 2012

10% of goal

So, my goal is to lose 100 lbs. I know. I know. Seems impossible right? Well I have decided, since I want to lose 100, that every pound I lose is 1% close to my goal weight. This makes it seem a lot less intimidating, and makes me realize that every little bit does help.

This week I kicked it into high gear with the exercise. Have gone 4 times since last Saturday, with the 5th and 6th times today and tomorrow. Also, we've started a walking group in my office where we commit to 60 minutes of activity per day. There's a prize for the team that does the most activity, and we are so competitive this seemed like a great way to incentivize being active.

At 10% of my goal (OK, 10.5% but who's counting?) I decided I'd make a few investments to help me get active. 1) I bought new crosstraining shoes (since my running shoes are not good for anything other than running) and 2) Will buy a mini desk exercise bike ( This will keep me from feeling like my calves are going to tear off every time I go to get up, will keep me loose, and give me the option to get some activity during my (mostly) sedientary day at my desk. Plus, every little bit helps, and if I use this bike for even 30 minutes a day, that could be 100-200 calories burned, and that really adds up.

This weekend will be my first trip "out" since I've started this diet/Paleo. I am going to dinner at a Mexican restaurant and so my plan is to order steak/chicken fajitas, extra veggies, no rice/beans/tortillas, guacamole and salsa. I'll let you know how it goes!

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