Monday, September 10, 2012

Because I am an apparent masochist, I weighed myself this morning. Down a pound already, after only a few days! This is good for the motivation factor that's for sure.

Tonight I have my free intro/info session at Crossfit San Mateo and I am scaarrrred. Mostly because I think I need to get into slightly better shape than I am not in order to not die during their WODs (workout of the day, for you newbies). We will see what they think, and I'll go from there. I also made the mistake of watching the Crossfit games on ESPN from 2011 and I know I can't climb a gym rope or clean and jerk 125lbs.... but that will come in time I am sure. In the meantime, I will continue to focus on what goes into my face, build up my strength and endurance through some non insane gym trips, and power through.

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