Thursday, September 6, 2012

I am officially restarting this blog.

After months of feeling downtrodden, completely stressed out, and gaining back the 70ish pounds that I lost between 2009-2011, I decided enough was enough. I don't even care what size or what weight I am. I want my strength back.

I took some important first steps today:

  1. Cancelled by current gym membership. It was a waste of money as I never went, and as much as it was close to my house, I usually talked myself out of a workout on the 45 minute drive between San Jose and San Mateo
  2. Joined the gym on campus. Cheaper, has a pool, and I can get workouts in during lunch or right after work when I don't have the time to convince myself that I am too tired for 30 minutes on the elliptical
  3. Contacted CrossFit in San Mateo to set up an introductory session. See Wikipedia
    1. Just as an FYI, this will either be the greatest thing I've ever done for myself, or I will be hospitalized after the first session. 
  4. Rejoined Weight Watchers. You might laugh, but this program works. I need to figure out how to get back to eating right, feeling good, and using food as fuel for performance and not as therapy after a hard day.
I feel very alone in my weight loss journey, but that is not necessary a bad thing. The bad thing is that there isn't a lot of empathy or soul displayed along the way to getting fit. 

The goal for this blog is to figure out a way to make people (most of all, myself) realize that feeling strong and feeling good aren't mutually exclusive, and that its not about setting limits, its about breaking them.

I know, I sound like a self help guru already. That's another thing I've struggled with: I know what to say. I just need TO GET OFF MY BUTT AND DO IT.

Anyone who wants to jump in and participate in any of the activities that I have going on, let me know. But realize that I'm doing this for me, and you should be doing it for you too. Because we're all worth getting out of bed in the morning feeling strong, powerful, focused, and GREAT.

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