Friday, September 21, 2012

Weight Watchers Yelled at Me...

So, I weigh myself on Friday. This is a little psychological trick I play on myself, because seeing the scale go down immediately prior to the weekend lessens the urge to stuff my face with cheeseburgers when left to my own devices for 48 whole hours. Work days are my friend, as the structure is such that I can't snack all day, because I only bring so much food to work.

So today, I lost 4 lbs. Huzzah! I go into my online WW tracker, enter my new weight, and wait for the "Congratulations, you're 4 lbs closer to not being a fat ass" message to pop up...

And it doesn't.

Instead, I get chastised for losing weight too quickly. Sorry WW that I am basically doing the paleo diet on your program (and still staying in my points range, and having only tapped into my reserve points 1 day this week) and the weight is falling off. I haven't even really started going to the gym regularly, so watch out. That scale might read 5 lbs lower next week, and you. can. suck. it.

I feel like this is counterintuitive. I know that you're not supposed to lose 15 lbs in a week, but c'mon. I'm going in the right direction! 

So, feeling self righteous, I will continue to eat clean this weekend, not get the Cheesecake Factory dessert that I so desperately want, and get the pedicure I deserve.

And when I hit 20lbs down, its NEW PHONE TIME.

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